When it is time to go to bed, your body should know what your mind is thinking. Just because it is dark outside, you put yourself in bed, and close your eyes doesn’t mean your mind just automatically stops racing. The mind has to be calmed down, reduce thought patterns for the day, and fully shut off before you are able to get a goodnight sleep. This is even more important the day before competition! Now, you may be asking, “How do I do this?” It all depends on what you eat and drink before going to bed, what time you go to bed, and what time you have to wake up.


How to Avoid Staying Up Late:

  1. Caffeine & Sugar. Stay away from soda, coffee, tea, sugary foods, and some protein bars.
  2. Look at the nutrition label. Keep an eye on your weight. Even if you are trying to maintain the weight you have, make sure you stay 5 pounds above or below your normal weight. If you have trouble keeping the weight you need, you might be eating too much or too little the day before. Reduce or increase the amount and do not eat 6 hours before bed.
  3. Go to bed at the same time EVERY NIGHT. The body needs to get used to rising and going to bed at the same time every day. Going to bed at a different time every night is going to make it hard to wake up and stay up the days you have to get up extra early. Start practicing this now. Give yourself time to adjust the night before a game.


What time will you start going to bed?


Written by:


Sarah Grippi

Basketball Mindset