Is there something, someone, or someplace that gives you confidence? Does this same thing give your confidence now like it did in the past? Do you think this item will continue to give you confidence in the future?


I bet there has been times where you have been super confident with yourself. You might have been in a familiar area, around people that you know, and the activity or topic was your specialty. Were you surprised to feel this confidence? If yes, how come?


There is something that “sparks” in everyone that gets us excited and confident to compete. It could either be your parents pumping you up in the stands, your favorite song played during the warm-up, excited to play your rival team again, etc. I am wondering what gets your pumped up and excited for a game?


Think of what gives you confidence, this will be your CONFIDENCE ANCHOR.


So, when you hear that song, crowd going wild, etc., you are going to pair it with a movement. This movement should be natural and shouldn’t draw attention to yourself. Some things a lot of basketball players like to do is wipe the bottom of their shoes, adjust headband; pull up spandex, roll shorts, hike up socks; strap up brace, etc. Pick what your movement will be.


Written by:


Sarah Grippi

Basketball Mindset