10 Mental Mistakes Tennis Players Make

10 Mental Mistakes Tennis Players Make Getting involved in the hype or fan mentality by looking up statistics of yourself and other tennis players. Once the season ends, then you can decipher the statistics. But during the season, you should always just focus on improving your skills and yourself. Associating with negative people will slow…

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10 Qualities of a Winner

1. A winner doesn’t make excuses. It’s easy to find reasons to miss practices and workouts. However, if you stick to your commitments, even when conditions are not ideal, then you will have a successful winning mindset. 2. A winner maintains a White Belt Mentality. Try to learn anything you can from anyone you can and keep an open…

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10 Rules of a Tennis Season

10 Rules of a Tennis Season Never be outworked by always putting in 110% of your effort. Run hard for every ball, even balls you think you might not get to.  You will surprise yourself sometimes! Occasionally a particular stroke may feel off a particular day or week.  Make sure you are staying after practice and…

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10 Tournament Tips for tennis players

  1. Recharge your battery in between sets. Don’t watch a lot of the other tennis games going on so you can detach yourself emotionally and mentally while you aren’t competing. Get out of the tournament area when there is some time to do so. 2. Do not make the tournament into an “special” event.…

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10 ways parents can help their kids play their best

  10 Ways Parents Can Help their Kids Play their Best Communicate you believe in them both verbally and nonverbally. Great parents believe in their kids and communicate it regularly. You can TELL them and SHOW them that you believe in them. Verbally & Nonverbally communicate that you accept them, love them, & are proud…

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Don’t get caught up in the Fan Mentality

Don’t Get Caught Up in the Fan Mentality Each person involved has their own role in tennis: players play, coaches coach, administrators administrate, referees ref, parents parent, etc. As a player, you should only focus on playing! Don’t try to put yourself in any only role, including the spectator role.   ​Know your role –…

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