Four tips to stay focused in the Postseason

As the swim season is coming to the end it becomes that much more important to stay focused on the goals you set to start the season.  After months of dedication to time both in and out of the pool due to weather changes, it can be easy to get out of the routine. Its…

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10 Toughness Tuesday Challenges

If you haven’t seen any of our Toughness Tuesday posts, we like to encourage our social media followers to participate in a Toughness Tuesday challenge each Tuesday. Some of them are sport specific depending on which Mindset profile you are looking at, but some of the challenges are generalized to be applicable for all types…

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Don’t get caught up in the Fan Mentality

  Stop approaching your sport as a spectator! Each person involved has their own role: players play, coaches coach, administrators administrate, referees ref, parents parent, etc. ​ Know your role – You are a player, an athlete, a participant. This means you must think like a participant, not as a coach, not as an administrator,…

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10 ways parents can help their kids play their best

  1. Verbally & Nonverbally communicate you believe in them. Great parents believe in their kids and communicate it regularly. You can TELL them and SHOW them that you believe they can do anything. 2. Verbally & Nonverbally communicate that you accept them, love them, & are proud of them NO MATTER WHAT. Let them know…

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10 mental Rules for Swimming/Diving Season

1. Never be outworked. Always put in 110% of your effort and you won’t be outworked.  Steve Prefontaine said, “I’m going to work so that it’s a pure guts race at the end, and if it is, I am the only one who can win it.” Be willing to give everything that you have while…

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​10 Ways to Build Confidence At A Meet

I don’t need to sell anyone on the importance of confidence in swimming and diving. Simply put, it’s an absolute must – It separates the good from the great, and the elite from everyone else. Our 1-1 mindset program is all about practical volleyball-specific exercises players can do to improve their mindset. Here are 10…

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