Account For Your Actions

Have you noticed you are more/less likely to do something if there is/isn’t an award or punishment afterwards? Examples. Would you study the information if there wasn’t a test after it? Would you buy the product even though it doesn’t work? Would you hold the door open knowing you weren’t going to get a thank…

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Watch Aggression, Be Aggressive

One of the best ways to become an aggressive athlete is to watch other athletes that are aggressive. Why would this be important? You are probably thinking that you should be out there doing it yourself compared to just watching someone else play basketball. Which yes, you need to mentally prepare yourself and physically go…

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Cope with Pressure Like Situations

For most of us, it is true that we are our own worst critic. With the pressure we add on ourselves, we also end up letting certain factors around us or our own mind games affect how we deal with things. It is natural to do this and almost everyone does this, but how do…

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Sleep Better Play Better

Does it ever feel challenging to fall asleep on a daily basis? What about the night before a game? Do you ever think too much about the game, keeping you up at night, creating some anxiety, or feel nervous? Getting yourself in a pre-sleep routine will help you feel relaxed and prepared the night before…

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Practice Like You Play

Practice, scrimmages, championship games, tournaments, states, nationals, pick-up games, workouts, gym class, skill/drill work, etc. What do all of these have in common? They ALL should be viewed the same.  The best athletes always compete at the same level no matter what level they are competing at. If they are practicing, they are still going…

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Preparation is Key

Before the storm happens, you must prepare for it. When you want to take a foul shot, you usually do the same routine before your shoot, right? Here’s an example of what I do. Right foot forward, left foot slightly back, flip the ball backwards to myself, squat down, pull my shorts up a little,…

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