How to become a 1 in a million coach

How to become a 1 in a million coach   If you want to have a 1 in a million team then you need to be carrying out the actions of a 1 in a million coach. Here are 6 simple suggestions that can make a huge impact on your team’s culture and future.  …

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Build Confidence & Competence noun.  The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.   “The player displayed varying degrees of competence.” noun. The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; Firm Trust.   “We had every confidence in the coach.”   Competence breeds confidence. When you play basketball, you clearly know which…

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Self-Sabotage No More!

Our brains sometimes have a mind of their own. This is called our unconscious mind. Our conscious mind knows about the unconscious mind, but at times is unsure how to silence it. The unconscious mind is deep under many layers of the brain but it is easy for it to sneak up to the surface.…

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Retrain Your Main Focus

There has probably been multiple times that you planned your whole day out, repeatedly checked your schedule to stay on track, and reduced as many distractions as possible to keep yourself from falling behind. You feel like you have accomplished everything on your “To-Do List” and nothing can stop you. The only problem is not…

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Effective Strategies for Complex Situations

Overthinking. Yes, something everyone does but doesn’t necessarily want to do. Why is it so hard to control what we think? How come when we tell ourselves to stop overthinking, we seem to think about it even more? Why did we start thinking about this situation in the first place? Was this situation a good…

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What is the worst that can happen?

The reason we don’t do certain things, activities, visit certain places, ask people out, etc. is because of feelings of being nervous. It is not that we don’t want to do these things, it is because we are worried about the outcome of the situation.  It is easy to say “what if…”. Instead of saying…

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