Mindset Plan of Life Podcast
In this episode Winning Mindset CEO Gene Zannetti discusses how the Mindset Plan of Life should be developed and where to start. Click here to listen to the Podcast! zwinningmindset.com
In this episode Winning Mindset CEO Gene Zannetti discusses how the Mindset Plan of Life should be developed and where to start. Click here to listen to the Podcast! zwinningmindset.com
Playing Against a Wall: Aggression in TennisThe depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I’ll never be as good as the wall – Mitch Hedberg Imagine that one day you go to the local park to play a couple games of tennis. There are usually plenty of people at the…
We all strive to be the best athletes we can be. We do this by being coachable, trying hard at practice, and competing tough. But there are a lot of things we can do off the court that make us a mentally tough athlete as well. We’re gong to suggest some habits to adopt…
Meditation has many physiological and psychological benefits (reduce stress, anxiety, depression, lower Blood Pressure, boost immune system). It takes dedicated practice sessions (20-30 minutes), a quiet place, proper posture, an object to focus, and a passive attitude to become proficient with meditation exercises. There are 4 Basic Elements of Meditation: A Quiet place Proper…
Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday: Tomorrow is your victory over lesser men. – Miyamoto MusashiAdvertisements often reflect a quick and easy solution to a problem. There is the workout solution that will get you shredded abs in only five minutes a day for two short weeks, and the movies that depict below…
As kids, sports are a huge part of our lives. This is a time in our lives when we’re trying out a bunch of different sports to see which ones we like the best, which ones our friends play, and which ones we are the best at. Plus, we’re also going to school on top…