1 Way to Start Working on Your Mindset Right Now

I want to share one way that you can start working on your mindset right now. Throughout the course of this week as you head into practice, and you’re training in the gym, I want you to play close attention to your thoughts and your feelings. When you are getting ready to go for a skill…

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Looking up to Role Models – Pros & Cons

Looking up to incredible gymnasts, finding inspiration in the gymnasts that you see on TV, looking to the gymnasts in your gym that are a couple levels ahead of you… seeing those role models can be a very healthy thing! But… it’s important you are looking to those role models and seeing your potential instead…

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Let’s Talk About Fear

Let’s talk about fear. Because this is something that comes up time & again in the sport of gymnastics. Fear can end careers, or at least make them a lot less enjoyable. So let’s address it… There can be rational fears in our sport, and there can be irrational fears. And a lot of times, we need to…

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The Problem of Overthinking

  Something that comes up quite often as we are working with these gymnasts through the Gymnast Mindset program is this problem of overthinking. And the problem with overthinking is that it results in mental blocks. It leads to mental fatigue and makes the sport a lot less enjoyable. Overthinking can be a very difficult…

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To the Parents Behind the Athletes… Thank You!

Athletes get a lot of credit for the dedication, strength, & sacrifice that they show. And they fully deserve that credit! However, they are not the only ones showing dedication, strength, & sacrifice… this article is a “Thank You” to the parents of athletes who are the silent strength behind that success.

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