Driving with the Emergency Brake


Imagine driving a high performance car, say a Lamborghini, on a race track. You start the car and you begin to drive. You give it more gas, you shift the gears, and your speed climbs. You feel your car moving faster and faster until all of a sudden…you hit a plateau. Your speed remains constant well below the cars known potential. You become frustrated, you get angry, and you search for the problem. Your pedal is to the floor. Check. You are in the highest gear. Check. You seem to be doing everything within your power to push the car to its top speed. You look down, and you finally notice…You are driving with the Emergency Brake!

Many, if not most athletes have at least another 2 or 3 unused gears inside them. Gears that are very available, but they are not using them. As an athlete, I always hated it when coaches would tell me that I was just about ready to, “turn that corner.” This is frustrating to an athlete who is trying to do everything within his or her power to properly prepare for their sport. 

The good news is: Most athletes are not lacking any ability, they are just blocking it. If you are putting in hours and hours of time into preparation and you know deep down that you are better than your performance shows, you too are blocking it. There is no corner to turn. You are already there. You just need to learn how to release the emergency brake.

As a track athlete, it’s important to understand that the mind often gives up long before the body.  Training your mind to push through what feels like physical limitations is absolutely essential. Learning to push even harder when your body feels like it is DONE is a scary process.  Unconsciously as runners we have a fear of pushing through this barrier. However, once you push harder than you thought you could just once, you can build on that ceiling of what you thought were your limitations.  Eventually, the ceiling begins to rise higher and higher than what you originally thought you were capable of.

Other times you are not able to access your highest gears because you have actually already USED your highest gears prior to your event.  They have expended themselves already in the form of worry, fear, and anxiety. You would need to completely mentally re-charge your internal battery in order to reach your own maximum potential.

Your mindset coach will help you through the process of trusting your training and believing in your capabilities.  Our systematic mindset training has proven to help countless athletes in their own self-belief.

There are 4 main jobs of all sport psychologists, life coaches, personal trainers etc. (1) Help the person decide what they want (2) Map out a plan to get there (3) Get the person to take action and (4) help the person step out of their own way. In essence, unblock themselves. 

If you are already doing steps 1-3 on your own and are not getting the results you deserve, you only need to learn how to unblock yourself. It is simple IF, repeat IF, you take proper action and train your mind.

Release the emergency brake and take your performance to your potential with mindset training!