Ever seen the movie The Replacements?  The movie is about replacement football players due to a strike by the professionals.  In the movie, the coach asks the players what are their biggest fears. Keanu Reeves character who is the quarterback says quicksand.  Everyone is confused until he explains. “You’re playing and you think everything is…

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Five elements of a pre-game routine

I think we can all agree that one of the most difficult parts of preparing yourself for any athletic competition is being mentally prepared on game day, especially in baseball. One of the simplest ways to curve competition anxiety is by having a consistent routine for before and throughout the game. There are five key…

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How to improve at Volleyball during an Injury

    One of the most daunting things that haunt athletes is the possibility of getting injured which prevents them from playing their sport. We all hear those scary stories about “career-ending injuries” and that sparks a lot of fear into us. Unfortunately, injuries are common amongst athletes because we are putting our bodies through strenuous…

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The Dream-Killer Series Part 1: Anxiety

In this blog series, we will be discussing the biggest dream-killers – mindset issues that limit your performance and actively hold you back from achieving your maximum potential. Our first dream killer to discuss is anxiety. Did you know: whether in middle school, high school, or college, around 20% of students suffer from high level testing anxiety that…

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