Power of Focus with Self-Mastery

Have you ever felt that you let certain situations control your decisions and destiny? You might have a future plan for yourself but it seems to be hard to follow up on those future plans. It seems very important but one little thing gets in the way. This could be something as simple as feeling…

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The Purpose of an Attack

            Attacking the ball in volleyball is one of my favorite things to do – and I’m sure it’s a lot of peoples’ favorite thing to do just because it is so satisfying getting that awesome kill! We all see those highlight videos of middle hitters hitting in front of…

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10 Traits of a successful student

There are many different traits that help amazing students excel in the classroom. If you want to improve as a student, it is a good idea to watch the must successful students and apply those same traits to your studies. Here are the 10 most common traits that the most accomplished academics have: 1) Balance:…

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Champ VS Chump

    Looking at the title of this blog, I’m sure it’s easy for you to tell which one you’d rather be when comparing a champ versus a chump – you want to be a champ! (Duh, right?) A champ is someone who succeeds, takes chances, puts in effort, works hard and loves the game of…

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Character, Competence, & Connection

Character. What does character mean to you? Think about it a little and write down three characteristics of yourself as an athlete. What do you do for yourself and others that build your character?Now that you have written three characteristics about yourself, it is time to think of how you can improve these qualities of…

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Relationships, Outcomes, & Improvements

When it comes to sports, building relationships is something that needs to improve. You will want to have a good relationship with your teammates, parents, teammates parents, coaches, coaches family, opponents, athletic trainers, fans, referees, and even yourself. Well, you are properly asking why does building a good relationship with all these people become important?…

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