Developing Your Craft

Think of a sports movie that you have watched recently. Most sports movies share a similar narrative. There is a dominant athlete or team that is discussed early in the movie that seems unbeatable. There is also a ragtag group of average Joes that aspire to defeat the dominant athletes. Shortly following a two to…

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Intensity: Finding your Groove

Intensity is a feeling that causes baseball players a lot of confusion. Some coaches work to hype up their team prior to a game. Others place focus on relaxing their players and helping them become composed before taking the field. So, which is it? Is intensity a beneficial trait to strive for, or is it…

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What do you see?

When you step on the field, what do you see? Grass? Goalposts? A spray-painted rectangle? Yard lines? Bleachers? Or do you visualize a game, and your role in it? For most athletes, it’s easier to see the physical aspects of the field ofplay – but very difficult to visualize themselves in that arena. Whichis an…

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even a quick jog you can be thankful for

This morning, I had a realization. I was out for a run – just a quickjog around the block. It was all I had time for, but I needed it to clearmy head. I had gone all weekend without exercise; when I do that, Ifeel groggy and out of touch. I lose my edge. Before…

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​5 Excuses to Eliminate:

After a tough game or tournament that ends in a loss, it is typical for the excuses to just come pouring out. In a lot of ways, it’s a defense mechanism to avoid facing the disappointment of the loss. It’s much easier to blame the loss on someone or something else than to learn from…

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10 Mental Training Tips for A-Game Results

1.  Enjoy & Appreciate: You have worked so hard to obtain your strength and your current fitness level. Do a before and after side by side picture or a video of the same skill that was challenging to complete a couple years ago. You will be shocked at the develop within the body and skills…

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