2. Don’t focus on your test scores. Focus on getting better and going after the toughest challenges.
3. Remember that being the smartest person in the room does not entitle you to an award. Being the best learner and the most teachable person in the room will lead you much farther.
4. Have a purpose every class and each study session. Stop going through the motions. Make sure you focus on the skills and content that will make you a better student.
5. Stop comparing yourself to other people. The best students compete against themselves.
6. Be thankful for the opportunity to receive an education. Many people work hard to give you a successful learning experience. Be grateful for that experience and take advantage of its many benefits.
7. Be patient. Realize that it takes time to make big improvements and see better results.
8. Do it for yourself. Don’t concern yourself with competing with peers or pleasing your parents/teachers. Give effort because you want to feel good about the effort you’ve put in, not because you are worried about what others think.
9. Never quit. If you can’t pass the test, get every single point you can get. If you can’t get a higher grade, still turn in every assignment and every extra credit. Maintain high levels of effort no matter what the results will be.
10. Keep things in perspective. Don’t forget the rest of your life to focus on academics. Balance is important. Spend time with family and friends, get involved in athletics, join a club, explore your faith/philosophy, stay healthy and passionate about life.